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English version

“Corviale Domani: dossier di ricerca per un distretto culturale sportivo” is a project commissioned by Filas, the financing subsidiary of Lazio Region, and carried out by IsICult – Istituto italiano per l’Industria Culturale over a period of 9 months (October 2009- July 2010).
The project concerns the urban and socio-economic regeneration of Corviale, a suburb of Rome often compared to an Italian Bronx.
The final report, directed by Angelo Zaccone Teodosi and coordinated by Elena D’Alessandri with a dozen collaborators, is the result of a mix of academic study and practical field work.

The research addresses 8 areas:

1. Corviale and his history
2. Notes for a “census” on cultural and sports activities near-by Corviale
3. Towards a “New Corviale” as a “Cultural and Sports District”
4. The administrative basis for the district
5. Interviews
6. Corviale and “the media”: Tv and newspapers
7. The 2 main study on Corviale
8. Different authors wrote a contribution about Corviale…

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CorvialeDomani è un progetto di ricerca ISICULT

inizialmente sostenuto da FILAS (Regione Lazio) e Municipio XV-Arvalia.